Our History...


J H Green, a wealthy manufacturer, lived at “Highfields”, Horbury.  In 1925, he gifted almost 12 acres of land to provide playing fields for the community. This included Green Park and the land on which the Primrose League could build a public hall.  Both Primrose Hall and Green Park are held in trust for the community of Horbury forever.

John Henry Green when a young man - b. 1855 d. 1932

John Henry Green when a young man - b. 1855 d. 1932

Money to build the hall was raised by The Primrose League through public subscription, to which John Henry Green donated £500. The building, named Primrose Hall, opened in July 1927 and was managed by the Primrose League. The present trustee of the Primrose Hall Charity No 510195 is Horbury Heritage Community Building & Preservation & Management Trust Ltd. 

The original building was rectangular in shape and the entrance was on the south facing elevation.

Image courtesy of J Bradley

Image courtesy of J Bradley

During the Heritage Trust refurbishment in 2009, the original south facing end of the hall was exposed showing the original painted name on the wall. It would have been above the main entrance which was then at the South end of the hall.

By 1970, the Primrose League was unable to maintain the hall and Horbury UDC assumed the trusteeship. They carried out a full refurbishment, extended the building and created the present main entrance in Green Park Avenue. 

It was a very popular, well-used and well-maintained hall. Saturday dances were a popular event in the town.


In 1974, under Local Government re-organisation, Primrose Hall automatically passed to Wakefield MDC, who became the trustee.  The hall was not managed satisfactorily, or well maintained. In 1997 WMDC closed the hall, which was then in a neglected state, and planned to sell it.

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Hall used by WMDC for storage purposes

Hall used by WMDC for storage purposes

Vandals entered the hall through the kitchen roof

Vandals entered the hall through the kitchen roof

The Charity Commissioner allowed Horbury Heritage Trust time to put together a Business Plan, which was approved by   them in October 2003. The Commissioner then issued an order that WMDC transfer Primrose Hall to the Heritage Trust. This Title was finally transferred to the Trust in November 2004.

It took four years to obtain the funding required to restore the vandalised building.

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The refurbished hall was officially opened on Sunday 19th April 2009 by Alan Green, great, great, nephew of John Henry Green. The trustees present at the re-opening were:

L/R Back Row: John Lockwood, Richard Knowles, John Bradley, Michael Cudworth

L/R Front Row: Christine Cudworth, Jean Howarth, Marjorie Hutchinson, Ann Webster and guest Alan Green


The portrait of John Henry Green was given to the Primrose League and remained in the hall until Local Government re-organisation. It is now back in the hall where he can keep a watchful eye on what is going on.

Chairman of the Horbury Heritage Trust Michael Cudworth with Alan Green.

Chairman of the Horbury Heritage Trust Michael Cudworth with Alan Green.